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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a sabbatical?

An extended break from work to pursue another interest. Travel the world, climb Everest, learn Italian. Then return to work recharged and inspired


How long is a sabbatical?


Longer than a vacation. A sabbatical can be anywhere from one to 12 months, most commonly 3-6 months


Why take a sabbatical?


To recharge and have the time to pursue a passion. It's a chance to reflect on what you want and return with renewed energy. There are so many benefits for your career and life


What can you do on sabbatical?


Travel – Sabbaticals often involve some travel to immerse you in new experiences. The world becomes your playground


Volunteer – Taking time to give back is a rewarding experience of a lifetime. Build an orphanage. Save the environment. You get back more than you give


Learn – Whether you are learning a new language or getting your Masters, a study sabbatical enriches your experience and immerses you in the learning environment


Create – Pursuing a creative project can fulfil a life long dream. Write a book. Paint your masterpiece. Give yourself dedicated time to follow your passion


Remote work – Doing your job remotely for some of your sabbatical is getting popular and gives you the financial freedom to extend your break


What other types of breaks exist?


Career break - Usually lasts longer than a sabbatical, over 12 months. It generally represents a more permanent decision to not return to your job


Gap year – a travel year commonly taken by students between school and university or between finishing university and their first job



Lets talk sabbaticals

We love talking about sabbaticals and answering your questions. Email, phone, Whatsapp, chat, social - however you like - get in touch.


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Beyond a Break is a trading name of The Beyond Company

Registered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Operating globally!


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