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Feeling stuck on your sabbatical?

Book your FREE

Sabbatical Kickstart Call​

Get your sabbatical off to a great start or get yourself back on track with a Sabbatical Kickstart Call


Just complete a 5 min survey and instantly book your free 30 min coaching call with sabbatical expert, Lyndall Farley

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What is a 
Sabbatical Kickstart Call?

The Sabbatical Kickstart Call is the perfect way to give your sabbatical a boost. If you are soon be starting your sabbatical or already on the journey, this call will set you off in the right direction to help you make the most of the experience.


In this 30 min personalised coaching call with Lyndall, we will identify the top challenge you're facing and work together to solve it for you. At the end of the call, you'll have the next steps to reclaim your dream sabbatical and the confidence to make it happen.

Who is it for?

This call is FOR YOU if

  • You are committed to your sabbatical and have a start date

  • You are already on sabbatical and need some direction


This call is NOT FOR YOU if​

  • You are not yet committed to taking a sabbatical

  • Your sabbatical is something you want to do 'one day' but you don't have a plan for making it happen​

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Hi, I'm Lyndall

I know how transformative sabbaticals can be but I also know how hard it can be to navigate that journey on your own


I've taken 11 sabbaticals and I've now helped hundreds of people make the most of theirs. I give you the guidance, encouragement and tools to support you at every step


You can read more about my story, then let's chat and kickstart your story 

Start the Survey

For a limited time, get your 30 min Sabbatical Kickstart Call for Free

Simply complete a 5 min sabbatical survey

You will get a link to instantly book your call once the survey is submitted

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