The world had changed. Our lives have changed. Unexpectedly and out of our control. Lot's of people have been thrown into the situation of having unexpected time off made even more frustrating with the restrictions of lock down and travel bans.
It's ok to feel disappointed, frustrated, annoyed. Feel all the feels - that's ok.
Then you have a choice. You have this time. What do you want to do with it?
We're being forced to slow down. Do less. Stop. This forced pause can be a force for good.
It's a time to take stock, evaluate where you are, recharge and be ready to leap forward in the world's recovery.
It's time for a Growth Sabbatical
In normal times, a traditional sabbatical is an extended break from work to pursue other interests - this often involves travel and getting out of our normal routines - things we can't do as easily right now. A Growth Sabbatical is an extended break from work with the opportunity to zero in on where you're at in your life and career and take steps towards your best life.
How? The first step is all about being crystal clear on the purpose of your Growth Sabbatical and what you need from it.
Find your Sabbatical Purpose
As the purpose guru, Simon Sinek says, ‘Start with Why’. This is just as true for your sabbatical as it is for finding your purpose in life and business. Knowing current situation in your life and career is the first step in being able to make the most of the time for growth.
To figure this out, take a look at the Sabbatical Purpose Matrix.
STEP 1) Consider your overall level of satisfaction with your career. Think of this as your career direction, not your present job situation. It doesn't matter whether your in or out of work right now, think about where your career is heading. If your overall career direction continued, would you be content?
STEP 2) Think about your overall energy levels across your whole life. Consider what your energy levels have been like over the last 6 months. Do you feel you have enough energy to meet the demands of your work and life?
STEP 3) Find which quadrant you fall into on the Sabbatical Purpose Matrix.

Recharger – You love your career but have been feeling exhausted by the pace of life and work. Take this time to do things you love and spend time with loved ones. Focus on recharging your energy so you can return to work refreshed and ready to be part of the recovery solution.
Rebooter – You've been feeling burnt out. You've lost your purpose and passion for work and have no energy to make a change. This time is a golden opportunity to get off the burn out path. The first priority is to revive your wellbeing – body, mind and soul. This will give you the energy and confidence to ask the big questions about what’s serving you in your life, what’s not, so you can decide what to change.
Refocuser – You feel like your career has stagnated. You're bored and ready for change. And you've got energy to burn. Use your sabbatical to focus your energy into trying out new things. Experiment, learn and be inspired for what’s next.
Reacher – You love your work, love your life and are full of energy. You have big dreams and a long bucket list. The restrictions of lockdowns may feel most frustrating to this group but it's a chance to reframe it. Look at your bucket list. Get started on the things you can do today. This might be your only chance! This sabbatical is your ticket to ticking off the things that were further down on your bucket list, that you may never have got to do.
Once you know your sabbatical purpose, you can make the most of the experience and maximise the benefit to your life and career. You can design and plan the experience that will give you the most value for what you really need. Read more about some creative ideas for what you can do at this time - Make the most of an Unexpected Sabbatical at home.
What’s important for most people is to be honest about where you’re at and what you need from your sabbatical. This can be confronting. People may not like the realisation that they’re in the reboot quadrant and heading towards a burn out. It may be easier to shy away from the big scary truth that you don’t like your career. Being honest with yourself is the first step to getting the most out of your sabbatical.
If you’re struggling to figure out where you are on the Matrix, or you know where you are but you have no idea what to do about it, book your complimentary discovery session with me. These sessions are designed to help ignite your sabbatical plan so you can pause, revive and thrive.
So... what will your do with your golden Growth Sabbatical?
Beyond a Break uses the power of sabbaticals to help people and companies recharge and thrive. We’re here to help you find a way to take a break that goes beyond.